Reminder: Fertility Control in Rats Webinar is Wednesday

SenesTech will be discussing the use of fertility control as part of an integrated rodent management program.

SenesTech will be presenting a webinar on March 27 to discuss the use of fertility control as part of an integrated rodent management program.

Description: ContraPest (SenesTech, Inc.) is a new product used to control Norway and roof rats. ContraPest, however, is not a lethal rodent control tool; it is a liquid fertility control bait. The use of fertility control to manage overabundant species is not new but is not widely considered for use in rodent control programs. SenesTech’s talk is aimed at discussing the history of fertility control in wildlife management and how fertility control can enhance integrated rodent management programs. Several fertility technologies have been successfully utilized on large, long-lived species such as deer and horses but there are downsides to their application.  SenesTech will review why fertility control is a good tool for highly fecund, short lived animals such as commensal rodent populations and what criteria must exist for a fertility control agent to be successful. Finally, SenesTech will discuss how fertility control can be applied to rodent populations successfully as part of an integrated pest management plan.

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