Maximize Your Pest Control Partner Relationship

Partnering with a pest control partner is the first step. Now here’s how to maximize it, writes QA columnist Cindy Mannes.

Ample food and shelter make food processing facilities an oasis for pests such as rodents, cockroaches, flies and more. Without proper pest control, a single pest can quickly lead to an infestation, making it imperative for food processing facility managers to partner with a licensed pest control company year-round.

One of the most important parts of curating a successful relationship with your pest control partner is choosing a company that best fits your facility and its needs. When evaluating potential companies, be sure to ask detailed questions about their pest control practices and other clients they serve in the industry. Inquire with industry peers about which pest control companies they partner with and how their experience has been. Also, look for companies that actively participate in their national, state or local associations as these memberships speak to a commitment to protecting public health and property from the threats posed by pests, as well as a desire to receive ongoing education about new technologies and treatment techniques.

Partnering with a pest control partner is the first step. Now here’s how to maximize it.

Once you have chosen the pest control partner best suited for your business, here are some helpful tips to ensure you are getting the most out of your partnership and their services.

Regularly Schedule Inspections and Treatment.

Scheduling regular inspections with a licensed pest control company can help ensure you’re catching any potential pest problems in your facility before an infestation has a chance to take hold. Your pest control partner is also expertly trained to treat any potential problems discovered to ensure the safety of your employees and the products made inside your facility.

Engage in Open Communication.

Maintaining regular and open communication with your pest control partner on pest issues you are experiencing can help them tailor inspections and treatments to your facility’s specific needs. Informing your partner of a pest issue immediately will help ensure it is addressed in a timely manner before it has a chance to get out of hand.

Pest-Proof Your Facility.

An important aspect of pest control is proactive pest prevention. To help keep pests out of your facility, be sure to regularly do some of the following things:

  • Clean high-volume areas daily, such as employee break rooms and kitchenettes, where crumbs and trash are more likely to build up.
  • Store garbage in sealed containers and dispose of it on a regular basis. If there is a dumpster on your property, it should not be placed near any entryways.
  • Make sure you have proper drainage at the foundation of your building by installing gutters or diverts, which will channel water away from the foundation.
  • Repair any leaky pipes and ensure bathrooms are well-ventilated and dry as pests are attracted to moisture.
  • Install non-attracting lights, such as those with sodium vapor bulbs, around the facility to discourage pests.
  • Clear away any vegetation that has grown close to the building to avoid attracting pests.

Pest control is essential to the success and longevity of any food processing facility and is not something to be addressed only when an issue arises. By scheduling regular inspections and treatments with your pest control partner, engaging in open communication about any problems your facility is facing and implementing proactive pest prevention efforts, you’ll ensure both your facility and the food made within remain pest-free.

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