American Casting & Manufacturing Offers Security Seals for Strengthening Organic Enforcement

In anticipation of the USDA's Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rules coming into effect on March 19, American Casting & Manufacturing is offering customized green security seals to the organic market.

Photo courtesy American Casting & Manufacturing

Photo courtesy American Casting & Manufacturing

In anticipation of the USDA's Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rules coming into effect on March 19, American Casting & Manufacturing is supporting the organic community with customized green security seals.

While the Agricultural Marketing Service has not mandated the use of tamper-evident seals on nonretail containers, it recognizes the value these seals provide in preventing fraud and mishandling of organic products, said American Casting & Manufacturing.

Green seals can be personalized with a company name and the word “ORGANIC” to not only comply with industry best practices but also demonstrate a company’s commitment to organic integrity.

USDA states the goals of the latest amendments under SOE are to improve organic integrity across the organic supply chain and benefit stakeholders throughout the organic industry. … to close gaps in the current regulations to build consistent certification practices to deter and detect organic fraud, and improve transparency and product traceability. In addition, the proposed amendments will assure consumers that organic products meet a robust, consistent standard and reinforce the value of the organic label.